Alaska's Real Life Taxidermy Fish Mounts

Best Fish Taxidermy

Pictures of Best Fish Mounts

Mark Oslund of Alaska's Real Life Taxidermy is considered by many as the best fish taxidermist in Alaska and one of the best fish taxidermists anywhere. In addition to Alaska species, Mark can produce among the best fish mounts available for virtually any fish species, warm water, cold water, freshwater or saltwater.

Please visit our online Fish Taxidermy Gallery (recommended) or select from the text list below to view some of Mark's best fish taxidermy, including skin mounts, fiberglass fish reproductions and fiberglass fish replicas.

 » Alaska Rainbow Trout Fish Mounts

 » Alaskan King Salmon Fish Mount

 » Alaskan King Salmon Skin Mount

 » Arctic Char Fish Taxidermy

 » Arctic Char or Dolly Varden

 » Arctic Grayling Fish Mount

 » Arctic Grayling Reproduction Mount

 » Big Halibut

 » Big Halibut and Lingcod

 » Big Yelloweye Rockfish

 » Bull Trout Fiberglass Fish Replica

 » Bull Trout Fish Mount Reproduction

 » Child Holding Fish

 » China Rockfish

 » China Rockfish Mount Detail

 » Chinook Salmon Fiberglass Fish

 » Chinook Salmon Fiberglass Fish Mount

 » Chinook Salmon Fiberglass Fish Mounts

 » Chum Salmon Reproduction

 » Chum Salmon Reproduction Fish Mount

 » Dolly Varden Fish Replica

 » Halibut Fish Mounts

 » Kenai King Salmon Head Reproduction

 » Kenai King Salmon Reproduction Fish Mount

 » Kenai River King Salmon

 » Kenia King Salmon Replica

 » Kids Fishing - Sockeye Salmon

 » King Salmon

 » King Salmon Fiberglass Replicas

 » King Salmon Fish Mount

 » King Salmon Fish Mount


 » King Salmon Fish Mount Reproduction

 » King Salmon Mount

 » King Salmon Mount

 » King Salmon Skin Mount Fish Mount

 » Kodiak Silver Salmon

 » Lingcod Fiberglass Fish Mount-Taxidermy Art

 » Lingcod Fish Mount Reproduction

 » Picture of Big Lingcod

 » Pink Salmon Fish Mount

 » Pink Salmon Fish Mount Taxidermy

 » Pink Salmon Taxidermy Mount

 » Rainbow Trout Fish Mount

 » Rainbow Trout Fish Mount

 » Rainbow Trout Mount

 » Rainbow Trout Picture

 » Rainbow Trout Reproduction Habitat Display

 » Red Salmon Fish Mount

 » Saltwater King Salmon

 » Silver Salmon Fish Mount

 » Silver Salmon or Coho Salmon Fish Mount

 » Silver Salmon Replica Mount

 » Silver Salmon Reproduction Fish Mount

 » Silver Salmon Reproduction Mount

 » Silver Salmon Skin Mount

 » Silver Salmon Trophy Fish Mount

 » Sockeye Salmon Fish Taxidermy

 » Steelhead Fish Mount

 » Steelhead Fish Reproduction

 » Steelhead Fish Reproductions

 » Steelhead Replica

 » Yelloweye Rockfish Mount